iderm Facial Treatment
Clinical and results-driven, our iderm Facial Treatment can be credited for the red carpet glow of some of your favorite Hollywood A-listers. Curious to learn more about how the iderm treatment is different from the rest? We’ll take you through all of the steps that separate us from your typical facial treatment.
We all know that facials like chemical peels and microdermabrasion aren’t ideal right before a big event-- there’s often some downtime with redness and irritation before you get the results you’re looking for. Unlike these, the iderm Facial Treatment has no downtime-- we even recommend doing it a few hours prior to your event.
The first part of the treatment involves a thorough cleansing to remove surface debris, followed by placing yucca-infused towels on the face under a heated dome. The yucca root provides antibacterial qualities which can help with redness and acne, while the heat dome gets pores loosened up without causing dehydration (as opposed to steam which is what is traditionally used in facials).
This heat dome prepares skin for the next key step: the extractions. These are done using a gentle technique resulting in no pain or redness. A small vacuum-like device is used to remove debris as well as enhance circulation. A rolling technique is also used to manually remove dirt under the surface of the entire face.
Now that any impurities have been removed from the skin, it’s time to give it a cocktail of anti-aging goodness! Potent vitamin C helps to brighten skin and stimulate collagen production while zinc soothes any inflammation and promotes healing. What makes this anti-aging treatment really work magic on your skin is the galvanic mask, which helps send the active ingredients deeper into the skin with the use of currents. These currents also stimulate skin cell renewal and ultimately close the pores to finish off the facial. The results? Tightened skin with that lit-from-within type of glow.
To experience the iderm Facial Treatment for yourself at our West Hollywood location, simply click the ‘Request An Appointment’ link at the top of this page or call us at 310-855-1150. We would love to see you!